Monographic issues of journals coordinated by researchers associated with MANES (by order of publication):
PUELLES BENÍTEZ, Manuel (coord.): “Los manuales escolares en la historia”. Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 19 (2000). [More information]
ECHEVERRI, Jesús Alberto (coord.): “Manuales y textos escolares”. Revista Educación y Pedagogía (Universidad de Antioquía), Vol. XIII, 29-30 (2001). [More information]
DEL POZO ANDRÉS, M. M.; DEKKER, J.; SIMON, F.; URBAN, W. (eds.): “Books and Education. 500 Years of Reading and Learning”. Paedagogica Historica. International Journal of the History of Education, Vol. XXXVII, 1 (2002). [More information]
HERRERA, Martha Cecilia (ed.): “Political culture, school texts and Latin American societies”. Paedagogica Historica. International Journal of the History of Education, Volume XLIII, V (2007). [More information]
ALARCÓN MENESES, Luis (coord.): “Manuales escolares, educación e interculturalidad”. Historia Caribe (Barranquilla), Vol. V, 15 (2009). [More information]
ROCHA, Heloísa Helena Pimenta y SOMOZA, Miguel (eds.): “Dossiê: Manuais Escolares: Múltiplas Facetas de um Objeto Cultural”. Pro-Posiçôes (Campinas), Vol. 23, 3 (2012). [More information]
BIANCHINI, Paolo y MOYON, Marc (eds.): “School Textbooks and Teachers Training between Past and Present”. History of Education & Children’s Literature, Vol. IX, 1 (2014). [More information]
SOMOZA, Miguel; MAHAMUD, Kira y ROCHA, Heloísa H. Pimenta (coords.): “La transmisión de emociones y sentimientos. Subjetividad y socialización”. Historia y Memoria de la Educación 2 (2015). [More information]
TEIVE, Gladys M. Ghizoni y OSSENBACH, Gabriela (eds.): “Dossiê: Contextos de recepçâo e interpretaçâo dos manuais escolares”. Historia da Educaçâo (Porto Alegre), Vol. 20, 50 (2016). [More information]
MAHAMUD, Kira y ASCENZI, Anna (eds.): “Textbooks in Periods of Political Transition after the Second World War”. Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Society (JEMMS), Vol. 9, 1 (2017). [More information]