This section provides descriptions of the scientific gatherings in which the MANES Research Center and its associated universities have played a prominent role. These meetings, which range from national and international congresses to seminars and workshops organized by the MANES research team, attest to its constant and systematic activity as well as to the evolution and variety of its thematic content.
I MANES Seminar.
Held in Navacerrada, Madrid. October 2001.
VI Ibero-American Congress on the History of Latin American Education (CIHELA).
San Luis de Potosí, Mexico. From 19-23 May 2003. Panel Organization: "Political culture, school texts and Latin American societies".
I Seminar of the PATRE-MANES network (School – School Textbook Patrimony).
Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla (Colombia). September 2005.
VII Ibero-American Congress on the History of Latin American Education (CIHELA).
Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito (Ecuador). September 2005. Organization of the Panel "School textbooks: data organization and new lines of research.
International Colloquium "Le manuel scolaire. D'ici et d'ailleurs, d'hier à demain".
Montreal, Canada, 11-14 April 2006.
II International Seminar and Forum of the network ALFA MATRE-MANES (School-School Textbook Patrimony) on virtual Libraries.
Centro Internacional de la Cultura Escolar (CEINCE) - Berlanga de Duero (Soria, Spain). 19-22 October 2006.
Seminar on Documentary Coordination MANES-CEINCE
Held in Berlanga de Duero (Soria). June 2006.
14th Annual Conference of the International Society for Historical and Systematic Research On Schoolbooks.
Ichenhausen, School Museum of Bavaria. From September 30 to October 2, 2010. The researcher from the MANES Research Center and Assistant Professor in the Department of the History of Education and Comparative Education of the UNED, Kira Mahamud Angulo, participated in the 14th Annual Conference of the International Society for Historical and Systematic Research On Schoolbooks, which was held between 30 September and 2 October 2010, in the school museum of Bavaria in Ichenhausen, Germany. The congress was titled “Exercises in Schoolbooks” and the researcher’s paper had as its title “Exercises in Primary School Textbooks during the first two decades of the Franco Dictatorship (1939-1959)”. One of the objectives of the encounter was to hold a first meeting with Dr. Wendelin Sroka, Director of the recently created research group RP-SIG (Reading Primers Special Interest Group) and to initiate the steps necessary for collaborations between this group and MANES.
I Spanish-Italian Workshop on the History of School Culture.
The MANES Research Center, in collaboration with the University of Macerata (Italy) and the International Center of School Culture CEINCE of Berlanga de Duero (Soria), organized the I Spanish -Italian Workshop on the History of School Culture. The Seminar was held in the main offices of CEINCE on the 14th, 15th and 16th of November, 2011. On the Spanish side, talks were given by professors Agustín Escolano, Antonio Viñao, Gabriela Ossenbach, Miguel Somoza, Ana Mª Badanelli, Kira Mahamud and Ángel Díaz de Rada, who gave a paper titled “Ethnography of the school”; from Italy, participants included Roberto Sani, Paolo Bianchini, Anna Ascenzi, Marta Brunelli, Giorgio Chiosso, Juri Meda and Elisabetta Patrizi.
Colloquium of the Chair of the History of Education in the Institute of Education Sciences of the University of Humboldt.
University of Humboldt (Berlin), 12 October 2012. The researchers and professors of the MANES Research Center Gabriela Ossenbach and Kira Mahamud, from the Department of the History of Education and Comparative Education of the UNED, participated in the colloquium and gave a presentation on the trajectory of the MANES Research Center, its lines of research and the most recent methodological challenges in the field. They also expounded upon the relationship between MANES and the history of education in Latin America.
XI Ibero-American Congress on the History of Latin American Education.
Toluca, Mexico, 6-9 May 2014. Organization of the Panel “The construction of emotions through school textbooks: case studies from different Latin American countries,” coordinated by Ana María Badanelli Rubio (MANES Research Center, UNED) and Heloísa Helena Pimenta Rocha (University of Campinas, Brazil).
Conference given by professor Jonathan Doney.
Professor Jonathan Doney gave a conference titled ‘From love to hate, from religious socialization to the study of the world’s religions: the changing nature of religious education in a democratic country during the 1960s and 1970s.’ The paper, given on 12 November 2014, was a part of the activities organized around the research project of the National I+D+i Plan "The emotional dimension of political socialization. Emotions and feelings in school textbooks of the Spanish democratic transition”, of the MANES research group of the UNED (Department of the History of Education and Comparative Education).
International symposium on education during periods of political transition.
Participants included the Italian universities of Macerata, Molise and Turin, the University of Seville, the Georg-Eckert-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung, the Universidad Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnología of Lisbon and the Instituto da Educação of the University of Lisbon. The symposium was held in the International Center for School Culture (CEINCE), Berlanga de Duero, Soria, Spain. 13-15 April 2015.
Doctoral Seminar of the MANES Research Center.
Madrid, 21 May 2015. Doctoral Seminar celebrated within the framework of the Project of the National I+D+i Plan, EDU 2012-32162, held in the UNED Education Faculty. The Seminar was dedicated to the presentation of three on-going doctoral theses by Cecilia Milito Barone and Yovana Hernández Laina, members of the department whose work deals with school textbooks under the last years of the dictatorship and the democratic transition, and by Sylvia Balgarinov, whose thesis focuses on the subject of school textbooks in post-communist Poland and is titled ‘Networks of actors and narratives about the Second World War. The bumpy road to methodology’.
3rd International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development.
San Sebastián (Spain), 24-26 June 2015. Presentation by various members of the MANES Research Center of the Panel: “Political socialization and education in Spain (1975-2015)”.
Course "Education and Emotions ".
Summer University Course in Santa Catalina, Burgo de Osma, Soria. 27-31 July 2015. Courses given by members of CEINCE, the MANES Research Group, the University of Seville and the University of Granada.
XII Ibero-American Congress on the History of Latin American Education (CIHELA).
University of Antioquia, Medellín (Colombia), 15-18 March 2016. Organization of the Panel “Textbooks and the teaching of History: new contributions to the study of the formation of national identities in Latin America and Spain, 19th and 20th centuries,” coordinated by Gabriela Ossenbach, director of the MANES Research Center.
4th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development.
Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 23-25 June 2016. Presentation by various members of the MANES Research Center of the Panel "Democratic political culture during the Spanish transition (1975-1982): socio-educational strategies".
Seminar: Masculine models and values in History textbooks in Spanish schools, 1931- 1982.
On 1 March 2016 a seminar was held at the Education Faculty of the UNED on the subject of masculine models and values as reflected in school history textbooks from 1931- 1982. Given by professor Bertrand Noblet (University Blaise Pascal de Clérmont- Ferrand, France), the seminar was organized by the MANES Research Center, which hosted professor Noblet for a brief research stay.
Professor Noblet took advantage of his seminar to participate in a UNED radio program which can be accessed here:
5th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development.
Santander (Spain), 25-27 May 2017. Presentation by several members of the MANES Research Center of the Panel "Economy and political socialization in the school: a Perspective from school textbook research."
XIII Ibero-American Congress on the History of Latin American Education
Montevideo (Uruguay), 28 Febrero - 3 Marzo 2018. Las profesoras Kira Mahamud y Ana María Badanelli coordinaron el panel titulado “Avances metodológicos en la investigación histórico-educativa con libros escolares??? enmarcado dentro de la sección temática denominada “Cultura escolar, prácticas y saberes en Historia de la Educación???. El panel reunió a investigadores de Argentina, Brasil y España.
6th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development.
Setúbal (Portugal), 21-23 June 2018. Members of the MANES Research Center participated in a symposium titled "Political culture and economic culture in school textbooks from the final years of the dictatorship until the transition: building a democratic state from the school up.”