Classics of European Education

The Virtual Library Education Classics in Europe was one of the results of the European project “History On-Line” (2007-2009), in which the MANES Research Center participated (Lifelong Learning Programme Education and Culture, 2007 – 2013, code 134051-LLP-1-2007-1-IT-Erasmus-EVC).


Further information on this project can be found at:

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This Virtual Library contains classic works on education from six countries, with an emphasis on Spain, Italy and Germany, but also including Greece, Romania and Turkey.

Given the impossibility of keeping the History On-Line site active, MANES was able to recuperate some of the contents of this virtual library. While currently only the classic texts from Spain are available, we shall gradually begin to incorporate those from other countries.

Each classic text has its own bibliographic index together with a brief summary of its contents. The works are fully digitalized and may be accessed freely.

Access to the Library of Education Classics in Europe