Thematic Exhibits

The Virtual Thematic Exhibits consist of presentations and essays on specific subjects relating to the school textbooks. These exhibits are meant to be divulgative and as such they rely on a simple, direct language as well as on the use of numerous images and iconic elements. Their essential purpose is to showcase the results of research – that has been concluded or is still under way – in the MANES Research Center. Some of these exhibits were first shown at the Central Library of the UNED.


The Object Lessons Textbooks
Federico Gómez Rodríguez de Castro, Miguel Somoza Rodríguez, Ana María Badanelli Rubio. (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid).

El Quijote in the school
Ana María Badanelli Rubio. (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid).

French textbooks in Spain between 1938 and 1970
Brigitte Urbano Marchi, Miguel Beas Miranda (Universidad de Granada)

The first Natural History textbook in the Spanish Language
Carmen Rodríguez Guerrero (Instituto Cardenal Cisneros, Madrid)

Our first letters. Exhibit of school textbooks
(Biblioteca Central de la UNED)

Reading books as instruction manuals for childhood sentiments under early Francoism
Kira Mahamud Angulo ( Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid )

Darwinism in Natural Science school textbooks in Spain in the last third of the 19th century
Margarita Hernández Laille ( Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid)

A textbook for teaching the History of America in Spain
Luciana Oliveira Correia ( Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid )

Characters to be remembered. Trajectories of outstanding secondary school teachers
M.ª José Gómez Redondo y Carmen Rodríguez Guerrero (IES. San Isidro, Madrid)

Asnography. Juan Ramón Jiménez in Spanish school culture 
Juan Carlos González Faraco, Juan Ramón Jiménez Vicioso, Heliodoro M. Pérez Moreno. (Universidad de Huelva, CEINCE y Fundación Zenobia Juan Ramón Jiménez).

How we learned and how we werw taught. A journey through textbooks.
This exhibition was an initiative of the Learning and Research Resources Centre (Centre de Recursos per a l’Aprenentatge i la Investigació, CRAI) of the University of Barcelona (Mundet Campus), with the collaboration of Dr. Conrad Vilanou, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Education at the University of Barcelona.